On top of that I have been trying to find time for my own artwork. I have several pieces that I am working on for the SBA - The Society of Botanical Artists exhibition, which will be in April next year. Hand in is in February, so time is running away fast.
When I was wandering around the Kingcombe Meadows Nature Reserve and its surrounds the other week, there were so many subjects that I wanted to paint - in the hedgerows and banks, meadows, woodland and the orchard at the centre too.
The course was concentrating on painting Autumnal fruits, berries and seedheads. I never plan what will happen with demonstration pieces, but it was enjoyable to keep going with the one I started for the course. Here it is completed, Autumn Ramble - Kingcombe.
Autumn Ramble - Kingcombe. © Sarah Morrish 2014
The main subjects we covered during the course included painting rosehips and creating highlights; painting dark coloured fruit and depicting bloom on fruit; mixing browns from 3 colours and how to depict lichens on twigs.
When I returned I taught a print-making workshop at Swanwick Lakes Nature Reserve in Hampshire. What an exciting experience that was for everyone involved, some really dynamic prints were produced !

This week coming is half-term, so no botanical art teaching, but on Friday I will be teaching a print-making workshop for 11-16 year olds, so that will be a change of audience. I will also be preparing for my exhibition which starts on the 4th November. If you are in the area it would be great to see you ! I will hopefully be painting in the gallery on Thursday 6th November.