Monday, 25 April 2011

'Wildflowers Count' Surveys

 It has been great to get out to one of my sites this week that I have been assigned by Plantlife as part of their Wildflowers Count Project.

The 1km square is located very near to home which makes it even better and is located mostly in a lovely piece of woodland which is highly likely to be ancient.  The survey comprised of walking a 1km route through the square and listing all of the plants observed within a 2 metre strip to one side of the route.  As well as this I surveyed a 5m x 5m square in the woodland and measured the approximate abundance of plant species present.  Overall there were loads of species to list !

 The artwork hasn't been neglected though and I have been working on a Heron sketch for the art project as well as an illustration of an Atlas Moth for an exhibition in August.

I am starting to get my travel sketching kit together for our trip to New Hampshire and Maine in a few weeks as part of our honeymoon - no the artwork never stops!

Wildflower pictures: Solomon's Seal, Yellow Archangel and Bugle
Atlas Moth - picture in progress

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